Bees Are Getting Inside the House!


Posted on April 18, 2018

Bees are getting inside my house! What should I do!?


We often get calls from panicked residents reporting that bees are getting inside their home somehow. Most often the bees are coming in through a chimney, or kitchen vent but all the resident sees are more and more bees showing up in the windows and buzzing at the lights.

Obviously, you should call a professional but you can do a couple things in the mean time to keep the bees from taking over your house. If the bees are appearing in a room with a fireplace try placing either cardboard or plastic sheeting over the fireplace and taping it on (using painters tape on painted walls and duct tape of brick or concrete). If the bees are coming around the stove in the kitchen it is likely that the bees are coming in through a kitchen vent and the hood vent can be similarly taped shut. This can minimize the amount of bees that make it into your home until a professional can be on sight.


Why are the bees coming inside?

When bees suddenly start appearing inside homes or business I often ask, “Are you burning lemongrass essential oils or cooking with lemon grass?” A surprising amount of time the answer is yes, solving the mystery of why. Bees are attracted to certain smells, lemongrass being one of them. Other times the bees are investigating areas they are considering moving into, like your chimney, and some of these scouts accidentally wind up inside the house. No matter the reason, if bees are showing up inside your home you will want a professional on sight as soon as possible!

Hire fast and reliable live bee removal services today!

We're waiting to safely remove the bees on your property for you so you don't have to worry about it any longer.


So You Want Your Own Hive?

If you’re looking to adopt your own local rescue beehive, then you’ve come to the right place. J R Bees has partnered with another locally based small “bee-based” business called You Me and the Bees, LLC, and they are happy to get you set up with everything you need! Whether you are looking to learn alongside a more experienced beekeeper and eventually take over caring for your own hive, or you have no intentions of ever opening that buzzing box, they can cater to your needs/desires!   What is the difference between adopting a local rescue hive and purchasing an imported package of bees?? There are lots of variables to consider when it comes down to selecting the bees you want to populate your hive. As with most any topic in beekeeping, there are many different opinions on the matter and this is just mine. I am a strong believer in keeping things local, and I believe this should apply to our bees as well. Local honeybees are more adapted to the regions climates, pests, diseases, and in my experience are more successful foragers in slower months. There are risks to both sides of this issue, local bees can be slightly more apt to swarm or become aggressive. Imported bees can bring disease in from other states, the transportation stresses and weakens the colonies, and they are less resistant to the local pests, viruses and diseases. What to do if your hive becomes aggressive or show signs or swarming? You just read in the above paragraph that one of the risks to having local bees are the possibility of the hive becoming aggressive. This sounds like a pretty serious and it is but don’t let that deter you yet! Temperament is something that is noted during every hive inspection and you can trust that if your hive starts to exhibit aggressive behavior You Me and the Bees, LLC will quickly re-queen your hive with a locally bred queen with a much better attitude! Helpful Links:
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